I could not able to run the Apache Tomcat Plugin as part of Spring Project Deployment. Can you please suggest?
Yogesh Chawla Replied on 12/08/2020
To make the below dependency work for auto deployment of your project on server, You need Apache Tomcat
You can download Apache Download from below mentioned link and just keep with you in your local. The Intellij IDEA will automatically find the same and configures
for your project in your local:
Go to Core and download the version according to the bit size of your OS.
Yogesh Chawla Replied on 12/08/2020
Similarly don't forget to download mysql also using the below link:
Remember the user name, password, url and the port that you set during the configuration of your mysql workbench. We need to mention the same in application.properties file of your project.
Please set your database and tables as mentioned in the code also before you run the Spring Boot Project.